I Love Gipi
Happy Fourth of July, America. To celebrate our independence from those tyrants across the pond, I'm showing off my favorite non-English European cartoonist.
His name is Gipi, and First Second puts out a good bit of his stuff stateside. Fantagraphics, too. I really appreciate a cartoonist that can fluidly construct a figure with a sense of dimension— of really living inside a scene's geometry, while using very few lines. The more you draw, the easier this becomes, but most of us won't ever approach this guy's level of ease in drawing something so loosely, but so well anchored in the rules of perspective. His cartooning skills are closely tied to his work in animation and film. You really get the sense that he knows exactly how everything he draws should look from any conceivable angle. And that's just the start!
His watercolors are gorgeous. He picks colors that serve his cartooning, but also capture light and form with painterly depth. None of the colors dominate and call-out, "Hey, I'm a focal point!" Everything's in service to a brittle line that never belabors its subject, but gives just enough. He suggests, and invites our imagination to contribute the rest.
It's always scary to meet the people you admire, but one day I'd like to shake the hand that channels this amazing, unforced way of seeing and thinking. It's sort of miraculous to me.